Regional School Unit 40
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Federal Title Programs

The Title IA program, a component of the No Child Left Behind Act, is the largest federal aid program for our nation’s schools.  The goal of the program is a high quality education for every child, providing supplemental help in reading and mathematics to students most in need.  It cannot be used to fund educational expenses normally paid by the district (such as classroom teachers).

A combination of assessment scores and teacher judgment is used in MSAD #40 to determine eligibility for supplemental help in these academic areas.  Click HERE for the Academic Intervention Selection Criteria.  Parents of students selected for participation in the program are notified each fall.  Classroom teachers may make referrals throughout the school year; parents are notified at these times as well.
Among the Title I programs offered is Reading Recovery. Reading Recovery is an early, individual, short-term intervention program for the children in first grade about whom teachers have some concerns.  Its goal is to help these children make accelerated progress and to become competent, independent readers in 12-20 weeks.

Literacy and Math Interventionists are also funded through the Title I program.  These interventionists are highly trained teachers who provide leadership for and coordination of reading and math instruction in all of our elementary schools. Interventionists are also used to improve reading, writing, and math scores through direct, supplemental instruction with children.  Student assessment data is used to make better classroom, school, and district decisions about instruction and learning.  They serve as a resource to teachers, providing classroom support, assistance with lesson planning, diagnostic consultation of student performance, data collection and facilitating discussions about this data.

Title I also funds several educational technicians across the district who assist teachers with meeting the reading and math needs of students in the classroom.

Our Parent Involvement Coordinator works with families in two of our larger schools, providing support to parents to maintain connections between home and school.  Our coordinator helps parents get involved in their child’s educational program through direct contact, monthly newsletters, the Parent Advisory Council, and parent nights each year.  

Middle school students benefit from the services of a Math Specialist, funded by Title IIA.  The math specialist is a highly trained teacher who works in the middle school to improve classroom instruction and facilitate transitions between grade levels and schools (elementary-middle-high school).  The specialist works to help teachers better implement research based math programs and improve identification of and services to students failing to meet the standards.

A portion of Title I funds is set aside each year to help homeless students and their families stay in school as mandated by the McKinney-Vento Act.  Support can take many forms including transportation, tutoring, and school supplies.  If your family is homeless or you know a family who is, please contact the district Homeless Liaison, Jessica Sproul, at 832-2103.

State funding for Title I is determined yearly and is based on data from the Free and Reduced lunch application forms completed by parents.  It is critical that parents complete these forms whether or not they intend to accept services for their child. Each additional form results in higher state funding targeted at assisting students at greatest risk of school failure.  

Our Title I program will continue to provide supportive, supplemental assistance to our students in our schools.  Our professional, dedicated and caring staff continues to make this possible.  

MSAD#40 receives additional funding through several other federal title programs.  The Teacher Quality grant, Title IIA, helps increase the academic achievement of all students by helping schools and school districts ensure that all teachers are highly qualified.  It focuses on preparing, training, and recruiting high quality teachers.  

The Education Technology grant, Title IID, improves student academic achievement through the use of technology in elementary and secondary schools.  It is designed to assist every student in becoming technologically literate by the end of 8th grade and to encourage the effective integration of technology resources and systems with professional development and curriculum development to promote research-based instructional methods that can be widely replicated.

The Safe and Drug Free Schools grant, Title IVA, supports programs that prevent violence in and around schools, prevents the illegal use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, involves parents and communities and coordinates with federal, state, school, and community efforts and resources to foster a safe and drug-free learning environment that supports student academic achievement.  

The Innovative Education grant, Title V, supports local education reform efforts that are consistent with and support statewide education reform efforts such as the Maine Learning Results.  Its goal is to provide a continuing source of innovation and educational improvement to meet the needs of all students, including at-risk youth.

For more information on any of our district Title programs, please contact the MSAD 40 District Administrative Offices at 785-2277.

Employee Area 1070 Heald Highway Union, Maine 04862 | Phone: (207) 785-2277 | Fax: (207) 785-3119