Regional School Unit 40
Get Involved

Ways to get involved @ MVHS
*The following information are things you can join and who to talk to about joining*
Band/Jazz Band- Mr. Stuart
Drama- Mr. Stuart/Mrs. Cordero/Mrs. Webster
GSA Club- Mrs. Cordero (GSA=Gay, Straight Alliance)
Math Team- Mr. Hinkley
Outdoors Club- Mr. Hinkley
Chorus- Mr. Baldwin
Chess Club- Mr. Hill
PAWS- Mr. Nguyen/Mrs. Hatch
Ski Club- Mr. Hill
Student Council- Mrs. Martin/Mr. Carlson
National Honor Society- Mr. Westcott
Diversity Club- Mr. Nguyen
Big Brothers, Big Sisters- Mrs. Benner/Mrs. Butler
Go Green- Mrs. Baker

*Sports Options- You may look under athletics and/or speak to Mr. Matt Lash*

Employee Area 1070 Heald Highway Union, Maine 04862 | Phone: (207) 785-2277 | Fax: (207) 785-3119