Regional School Unit 40




Who Applies:  Minor under the age of 16 receives a job offer.

Where to get the permit application:

Paper Copy:
During the school year, the application is in the school counseling office. 
During the summer you can print one off or Central Office can provide a copy.

Obtaining a permit during the school year: The permit application needs to be given to Leanne Benner in the school counseling office.  The school counseling office will look at academic requirements as the minor must have a passing grade in a majority of classes, not be truant, and not be under school suspension.

Suspensions- If a student gets suspended they will meet with Mrs. Benner once the suspension has been served.  The first and second suspensions will be a warning if a third suspension occurs then the permit will be revoked. 

Obtaining a permit during the summer:
 Parent/Guardian can go to the Central office with the needed documents and speak with Megan Linscott or can email her @

Approval:  The DOL’s Bureau of Labor Standards documents the permit for accuracy and compliance.  The appropriate permit is stamped “approved”, then returned to the superintendent’s office.  Denied permits, are often resolved by telephone, but for those that are not get returned to the superintendent with an explanation letter.  Please note the approval or denial may take time.  As soon as the school has received any information the applicant will be informed.

Employer’s COPY:  When the approval is received a copy will be made and the original will be given to  the student who will then need to bring it with them on their first day of work. the employer who must keep it on file, as long as the minor is employed. 

Revoked Permit Process:

If your student becomes truant, suspended, or fails a majority of their classes they will receive a probation letter with a date to have expectations met. If the student is unable to meet the expectations by the designated date their work permit will be revoked.  Once revoked it can be reinstated.  Leanne Benner can have it reinstated but the employer must have a position available if a position is not available the student can find new employment but will have to reapply for another permit. 


 Job is a hazardous occupation

No proof of age submitted

Not signed by a birth parent/legal guardian

No proof of legal guardianship

Too young to work at 14 by Federal Law

#7 on student status not checked off

Permit lacks good job description

Minor already has an active work permit


the written Maine child labor rules:

*As written by the State of Maine Department of Labor








Employee Area 1070 Heald Highway Union, Maine 04862 | Phone: (207) 785-2277 | Fax: (207) 785-3119