Regional School Unit 40
School Health Team
Keeping Your Child Healthy

The RSU 40 School Health Team is made up of Andrew Russ, M.D., our school physician; Sherri Vail, RN, Michele Cooney, RN, Heather Emerson, RN, and Miranda Jandreau, R.N., our school nurses; Nancy Vannah, our school health secretary, located at the District Health Office.

Recommendations about health matters and an annual review of our school health policies come from the RSU 40 Medical Advisory Board (members listed below).

School Health Services is aimed toward the early detection and correction of health problems and the prevention of illness and disability.  Your healthy child will have a much better chance to learn and gain from their educational experience in our schools.  Recommendations for RSU 40 School Health Services are made by the Maine State Department of Education and Cultural Services and RSU 40 School Health Policies.



RSU 40 Medical Advisory Board Members

Andrew Russ,  M.D.
Mary Ashmore,  D.O.
Keith Siegel,  Respiratory Therapist
Derek Booker, EMS Director-Waldoboro
Michael Poli,  Paramedic
Lorraine Lash, R.N.
Janet Yost, CPNP
Steve Nolan,  RSU 40  Superintendent
Karen Brackett,  RSU 40 Director of Student Services
Casey Lufkin, Asst. RSU 40 Director of Student Services
Maida Cordero, Guidance Counselor, MVHS
Sherri Vail,   RSU 40 District School Nurse
Miranda Jandreau,   RSU 40 District School Nurse
Michele Cooney, RSU 40 District School Nurse
Heather Emerson, RSU 40 District School Nurse
Nancy Vannah,  RSU 40 District Health Secretary

Employee Area 1070 Heald Highway Union, Maine 04862 | Phone: (207) 785-2277 | Fax: (207) 785-3119