Regional School Unit 40
Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Registration
Keeping Your Child Healthy

As part of registering your child for Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten, you will be asked to complete an online registration. This will include a health section for you to complete for your child.  The school nurse will review your child's health needs prior to them entering school.
In addition, Maine State Law requires that a child be fully immunized in order to attend school.  When completing the online registration there is a link to upload your child's immunization records. 
As the immunization requirements differ for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students, below are the guidelines to follow for both grades.
Immunization Guidelines
For Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten

Maine State Law requires that all children entering a public Pre-Kindergarten Program must have, at a minimum, documentation of the following immunizations:
     4 Doses of Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus Vaccine (DPT/DTaP)
     3 Doses of Polio Vaccine (IPV, OPV)
     1 Dose of Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine (MMR)

     1 Dose of Varicella Vaccine (Chicken Pox) or Documentation from physician
          of having had the Chicken Pox Disease
Maine State Law requires that all children entering a public Kindergarten Program must have, at a minimum, documentation of the following immunizations:
     5 Doses of Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus Vaccine (DPT/DTaP)
     4 Doses of Polio Vaccine (IPV, OPV)
     2 Dose of Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine (MMR)

     1 Dose of Varicella Vaccine (Chicken Pox) or Documentation from physician
          of having had the Chicken Pox Disease


Employee Area 1070 Heald Highway Union, Maine 04862 | Phone: (207) 785-2277 | Fax: (207) 785-3119